Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Grey Hair

By Christie Ewen

I started having gray hair when I was in my teens.  A few strands here and there.  Not the stringy, dry, mass of gray hair I have today.  Well, I noticed today that a strand that was once gray turned black.  I was watching for this since I changed my diet.  It started with one strand then I noticed more.  I followed a diet with more copper such as avocado, radishes, and spirulina according to Live Strong’s website on fruit and vegetables that reverse grey hair.  I also drank a cup of coconut water daily.

Since there was a deliberate recent change in my diet, there’s no denying that diet has made a significant improvement in my case.  It has already been established according to several sources that diet is one of many influences of grey hair so it should come as no surprise.

Live Strong Fruit and Vegetables that reverse grey hair

World's Oldest Person Turns 128

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